Notificación de Liquidación de Demanda Colectiva – Español
Notice of Class Action Settlement – English
Settlement Agreement
Preliminary Approval Order
Plaintiffs’ Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Approval
Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Declaration of Carolyn H. Cottrell in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Declaration of Luci Gillespie in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Declaration of Ileana Suastegui in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Declaration of Joselito Guerrero in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Declaration of Trevor Harding in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Declaration of Esther Corona in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Declaration of Mildred Arriaga in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Stipulation to File Consolidated Complaint for Settlement Purposes
Proof of Service of Proposed Settlement Agreement on California LWDA
Declaration of Scott L. Gordon in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval
Declaration of Joanna Ghosh in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Approval